Rollei film backlog: Venice, New Orleans, NYC
Posted on June 20, 2013
So I’ve some more old film from my Rollei here. I’m just putting it all together. I do have another package I haven’t even opened because I’m just not caught up, and I believe that has the very last from Italy in it. Bye Italy, hope to see you again soon. I still have over 30 rolls left. It’s taking longer than I hoped but this is the first new years resolution I have ever made that was still seeing any traction in June. So I’m happy to have gone this far even though the schedule I planned to keep is out the window. According to the original schedule I should be nearly done by now, not half way. But on to the photos.
The photo above is from Venice and I really like it. This one…I was working on it trying to remove some of it’s flaws and realized it’s interesting how one can’t leave an image alone. Because someone would probably love to put something through hipstamatic and instagram and get this result. I didn’t fully leave it alone but I’m happy with it, even though it’s not a great photo or anything.
San Marco
That’s all for Venice. Let’s go to New Orleans for two frames. These are portraits of Guitar Lightnin’ Lee in front of the Ernie K-Doe Mother-in-Law Lounge. He was really giving my friend Margaret a hard time flirting with her and she nearly killed me after this incident, because she put up with it for me.
And lastly here’s some NYC beaches, which I hope to visit soon this season.
Riis Park